Yesterday, 04/22/2020, we held the third meeting of members of the Eurasian Creative Guild (London) online.
The meeting was dedicated to the great poet W. Shakespeare.
We were very glad to see all the participants from all over the world. This meeting brought together different creative people from 10 countries (England, France, Russia, Belarus, Kyrgyzstan, Kazakhstan, Georgia, Pakistan, United Arab Emirates). The introduction was made by the vice-chairman of the Guild, Марат Ахмеджанов (Marat Akhmedjanov). He was talking about the activities of the Eurasian Creative Guild and present active projects. After his speech, he gave the floor to the chairman of the Eurasian Creative Guild and the moderator of today’s meeting, John Fandon.
He was talking a little bit about himself, about his work. And read the beautiful Shakespeare sonnets.
Guild interns from Kaliningrad, Bozena Krasnogir, Daria Melnik, Anastasia Savelyeva, Olga Andreeva and Zhanyl Radinova from Abu Dhabi also performed Shakespeare’s poetry.
We especially want to thank the speakers of the meeting: John Fandon, Gerry Skeens, Mikhail Akanov, and Anthony Cable for wonderful songs!
Мы особенно хотим поблагодарить спикеров встречи: Джона Фэндона, Джерри Скинса, Михаила Аканова и Энтони Кейбла за прекрасные песни!