On June 20, the first offline meeting of members of the Eurasian Creative Guild after a quarantine took place in Minsk.
There were: interns of the Eurasian Creative Guild, who took part in an internship in Kaliningrad over the past few months, participants in the annual Open Eurasia literary contest, a corporate member of the ECG – BelBrand company represented by Valentina Dynich, and secretary of the Poetry expert council – Anastasia Kuzmicheva.
The vice-chairman of the Eurasian Creative Guild, Marat Akhmedjanov, spoke about the projects of the Eurasian Creative Guild for 2020 and opportunities have increased for members of the ECG now, in an online format.
And, of course, our meeting would not have taken place without the support of an active member of the Guild, a member of the Film Industry Expert Council of the Eurasian Creative Guild, a writer – Ioanna Reeves. All our projects and professional successes are possible thanks to the support of our active members.
Our partners – “BelBrenl-Audit” company will organize the Belarusian Brand Day on July 4 in the city Vitebsk. The program is: an exhibition of works by contemporary artists, a concert-presentation of Belarusian composers, a fair and sale of works by artisans and Belarusian enterprises. In addition, it is there that the book of our publishing house Hertfordshire press “POETIC TREASURE FROM BELARUS: a celebration of the life and work of Vera Rich” will be presented. This is a unique book – a collection of works of Belarusian classics in English under the skilful translation of Vera Rich. We and our partners are waiting for all of you on July 4 in Vitebsk!
We hope that the restrictive measures will end and we will gradually quarantine and our meetings will become regular.
In the meantime, we are waiting for everyone at our meetings online. Creative meetings take place every week on Wednesdays at zoom at 14:00 Moscow time. We will be glad to see everyone!
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