On August 15, 2020, the 9th internship from the Eurasian Creative Guild (London) began. To get an internship, young people of various creative professions have passed a strict selection process.
ECG conducts such internships every year, but this internship was unique. For the first time it was held in an online format, and it was attended by people from different cities: Kaliningrad, Yekaterinburg, Almaty, Bishkek, Krasnodar, Minsk, Ankara.
Interns tried their hand as employees of a British publishing house. For 5 months, they completed tasks of varying complexity, acting as journalists, project managers, publisher’s assistants, PR specialists, and event organizers. They also got to get known with outstanding people from the world of literature, art, business, and politics.

The one to complete an internship was Sabina Abdybachaeva from Kyrgyzstan.
The Vice-Chairman of the ECG, Marat Akhmedzhanov, wished the graduate: “even more significant achievements and do not stop there.”
Sabina will continue her work at the Eurasian Creative Guild (London), now as a supervisor, and will head the Project Department, soon becoming the organizer of the first Central Asian Shakespeare festival!
In February 2021, the 10th ECG internship starts. So, if you have or want to develop such qualities as erudition, sociability, creativity, ability to find a way out in non-standard situations, desire to learn, and if you want to get a unique international experience, meet creative people from more than 20 countries, organize meetings and festivals around the globe – this is a chance for you! Write to us!