The Guild continues to develop new territories, and on 30th of June a meeting was held in the legendary city of Karaganda (Kazakhstan). Although there are members of the Guild in Karaganda for several years, this meeting was the first event with the presence of representatives of the ECG executive committee.
In the amazing loft space of the “Myshkin Brothers” cafe it gathered writers and poets as well as (in the same time, as is often the case with creative people) musicians and performers. The meeting began with a pleasant face-to-face acquaintance of the ECG (London) Executive Director Tatiana Shevchenko and the Guild member – writer Marina Alyassova. Tatiana was also glad to welcome the creative people of Karaganda – Nadezhda Kazantseva, Vadim Kim, Roman Ten, Oleg Solntsev and Natalia Izhevskaya. The participants of the meeting were pleased to get acquainted with the books of the winners of the previous years Open Eurasia contest, the almanac Voices of Friends, OCA Magazine and works published as part of the ECG book and academic series.
Tatiana told the guests, who was not yet familiar with the Guild, about what this non-profit organization is doing, what projects it is conducting. Tatiana shared the news about the OEBF and ECG Eurasian Film Festival, which had just ended in London, and also spoke in more detail about two major projects planned for July-September in Kazakhstan. The first of it is the Voices of Friends Poetry & Art Festival – 2021. It will be supported by the Rixos Borovoe Hotel and will include a film screening of ECG Eurasian Film Festival/Romford Film Festival, an art exhibition, live performances by poets, auctions and award ceremonies. It was also about the opening of the first creative residence of the ECG (London) – Horizons Borovoe, on the basis of which part of the festival will be held. The meeting ended with the participants telling about themselves, and Marina and Nadezhda presented their books. Nadezhda also shared that she knows another Guild member, the ECG Ambassador to Israel Mrs. Victoria Levin. A pleasant final chord was the handing to Marina Alyassova the badge of a member of the Guild.
After the informal meeting, Tatiana and the Guild intern Aknur Nurtaza visited Karaganda College of Fashion. There they were met by a team of teachers, conducted an impressive excursion and demonstrated samples of magnificent student work. Tatiana, in turn, shared the project for fashion designers The Heartbeat of Eurasia.
The ECG (London) team expresses gratitude to all those who have shown hospitality and hopes to return to Karaganda more than once.