Eurasian Creative Guild continues its trip around Russia!
On the 13th and 14th of July there were mеetings of the Guild in Moscow. During these meetings Guild’s representatives presented new projects of 2021, among them are Voices of Friends festival, X OEBF, Eurasian Culture Week, 38th issue of the ОСА and the ОСА people 2021, also there were presented new books of Guild’s members and authors of Hertfordshire Press publishing house.
Also there are new interesting people who joined the Guild! At the meetings Elena Titenko, Vasily Popov and Alexander Zakharov were awarded certificates of individual membership, and Nelli Kopeikina, Roza Red, Dinara Kushbaeva were awarded Guild’s badges.
Also the meetings were attended by two members, who reached final in Open Eurasia literary contest. They were Nelli Kopeikina, award-winner for the best Children’s book and Gulsifat Shakhidi, who has taken 2nd place in “Best Woman’s work” category.
List of the meetings’ participants:
Natalia Punina-Orlova, Viktor Osmarov, Yevgeniya Gorobets, Vasily Popov, Olesya Zaytseva, Nelli Kopeikina, Roza Red, Doszhanov Nurdaulet, Gulsifat Shakhidi, Alexey Sarnov, Elena Titenko, Kushbaeva Dinara, Alexander Kudelin , Roman Bolkhovitin, Alexander Zakharov, Valeriy Pereverzev, Dmitry Mikhin, Igor Krylov, Valeriy Galechiyan
At the end of one of the meetings vice-president has gifted books of Hertfordshire Press to the administration of the #166 Library named after May.
All the participants were discussing different topics, news, and sharing their ideas and plans. Also they all exchanged their contact infos to keep in touch with each other.
Want to attend our meeting? Waiting for you at the meeting in your city!