We are rejoicing in spring, celebrating Nowruz and preparing for one of the brightest and absolutely fantastic events of 2022 – the festival “Voices of Friends: Poetry & Art – 2022”! Isn’t this a reason to give useful gifts to Guild friends?))
How does it work? Everything is extremely simple! You activate your membership in the Eurasian Creative Guild (London) for 2022, make a membership fee and choose a whole package of bonuses that you want to receive as a gift! And in May, enjoy our festival and a ton of additional features!))
Terms of the promotion:
1. The promotion runs from 00:00 on March 23 to 23:59 on April 1, 2022, the date of the payment document must fit into this range.
2. All ECG (London) members whose membership is currently inactive (who have not yet paid the membership fee for 2022) can participate in the promotion, including 2021 contestants, as well as current 2022 contestants in the “Voices of Friends” and “Open Eurasia” contests – an update membership up to individual/concession category option is available for them.
3. To receive the bonus, you need to pay the membership fee as part of the promotion (check the amount with our administrator Anastasia, guild@ocamagazine.com ), send us a copy of the payment document and indicate which bonus package you want to receive as a gift.
4. Bonus packages:
— PACKAGE 1 “Only for Kazakhstan**” —
– participation format “Spectator” (free participation in open events by pre-registration);
– flyer (free ticket) to one of the closed film screenings within the framework of the festival.
**The package is available only for residents of Kazakhstan and cannot be transferred to participants from other countries. The Spectator format does not give the right to attend master classes, opening and closing ceremonies, as well as other closed events.
— PACKAGE 2 “In ten” —
– additional 10% discount on the participation of the festival in the formats “Official participation”, “Personal presentation”, “Remote (online) participation” (DOES NOT apply to the formats “Exhibition”, “Film Screening/Fashion Show”;
– one FREE page (150-200 words – prose / 25 lines, including title – poetry / 1 painting or art photograph) in the international almanac “BURABAY 4Seasons” only for festival participants.
— PACKAGE 3 “Premium” (ATTENTION! The number of packages is LIMITED!) —
– one FREE personal presentation at one of the partner sites of the festival when registering participation in the categories “Official participation”, “Exhibition”, “Film screening/Fashion Show”;
– one FREE page (150-200 words – prose / 25 lines, including title – poetry / 1 painting or art photograph) in the international almanac “BURABAY 4Seasons” only for festival participants.
— PACKAGE 4 “All Online” —
– additional 10% discount on the format “Online personal presentation”;
– one FREE page (150-200 words – prose / 25 lines, including title – poetry / 1 painting or art photograph) in the international almanac “BURABAY 4Seasons” only for festival participants.
5. To receive the bonus, you must register as a participant of the festival here by April 5 inclusive https://ru.thevoicesoffriends.com/vof/festival / (the page may request redirection, please agree – as in the photo), as well as pay the administrative fee for participation until April 20 inclusive.
Any questions? Send them to guild@ocamagazine.com or by WhatsApp /Telegram to the number +7 909 087-15-69, Anastasia, ECG administrator (London).