Constitution of public organization “Eurasian creative guild (London)

  1. General Propositions


1.1 The “Eurasian Creative Guild” (or “The Guild”) is a non-profit public organisation for creative people from around the world and is established as an association of writers, musicians, dancers, illustrators, graphic designers, sculptors, poets, translators, filmmakers, actors, artists, and anybody who considers themself a creative person. It exists in order to promote its members’ works around the world and search for mutually beneficial cooperation.

1.2 Full name of organization:

In English – “Eurasian Creative Guild (London)”

In Russian – “Евразийская Творческая Гильдия (Лондон)”

1.3 The Guild shall carry out its work in the territory of the Eurasian region and around the world in accordance with this constitution (the “ Constitution”).

1.4 The Guild shall act under the laws of England and Wales as well as the generally recognised principles and norms of international law, international declarations and conventions relating to the sphere of its activities and the Constitution.

1.5 The Guild shall act and follow the principles of voluntariness, humanity, openness, transparency, equality of members and the rule of law.

1.6 The Guild is a legal entity from the moment of state registration and has separate property, independent balance, open accounts (in pounds and foreign currency) in banking institutions, official stamps and letterheads bearing its name as well as other necessary details as also detailed in its Articles of Association.

1.7 The Guild shall have its symbols (logo, etc.), approved by the General Meeting in accordance with an established procedure

1.8 The Place of registration of the permanent governing body of Guild shall be London (United Kingdom).


  1. Aims and Activities of the Eurasian Creative Guild

2.1 The aims and activities of the Eurasian Creative Guild are to:

  • Bring together creative people from the Eurasian region and the world;
  • Disseminate experience and knowledge of Guild members or for Guild members
  • Provide dialogue and interaction of representatives of all sectors of the creative, intellectual elite, public and governmental organizations and the business community in order to create a solid base for the formation of an open information space of various creative people;
  • Establish international contacts through holding competitions, festivals and exhibitions for the promotion of the art and culture of the Eurasian region;
  • Establish awards and diplomas to recognise those with significant contribution to world cultural development.


  1. Rights and Duties of the Eurasian Creative Guild

3.1. To fulfill its aims and activities, in accordance with current legislation and established procedure, the Guild has rights to:

  • take initiatives on various issues affecting the constitutional activities, to make proposals to the state authorities and local governments;
  • establish business contacts, to cooperate in the field of culture and arts with all legal and natural persons, including foreign ones;
  • participate in the development and implementation of international projects with organisations of similar principles, aims and activities;
  • represent and protect the rights and legal interests of its members and other citizens at their request to the public authorities, local government bodies and public associations;
  • initiate the creation of other public organisations and to be the founder of non-profit organizations;
  • organize seminars, conferences, workshops, expert meetings, meetings, consultations on the activities of the Guild, as well as to send its representatives to participate in activities related to the themes of the Guild in different regions;
  • use internationally accepted forms and means of humanitarian exchanges and send its members abroad to meet or accept foreign delegations and individuals who are implementing joint projects and programs;
  • organise and hold exhibitions, exhibitions-sales, lotteries, contests, auctions, fairs and other measures to implement the constitutional aims and activities;
  • use modern means of communication, establish contacts with foreign banks and information centres to obtain and exchange information, which is necessary to achieve the constitutional aims and activities of Guild;
  • determine the organisational structure of the Guild, form and manage a staff unit, and provide necessary remuneration and material incentives for regular staff;
  • engage in activities to attract resources and management of extraordinary operations as they arise;
  • form temporary and permanent groups of experts, involve individual experts, including foreign ones, and remunerate them for their work on a contractual basis;
  • set up on behalf of the Guild awards, bonuses and other incentives for the special contribution to the realisation of the aims and activities of the Guild;
  • participate in the production and sale of printed and audio-visual works on the subject of the Guild;
  • widely promote and freely spread the information about the Guild’s aims and activities;
  • be the founder of the relevant media to carry out publishing activities, spread artistic, journalistic and legal literature, informational and promotional materials;
  • carry out research, consulting, lecturing, educational activities and advertising;
  • to make transactions and other legal acts with natural and legal persons;
  • carry out other activities it deems necessary provided that they are not prohibited by applicable law and not contrary to the Constitution
  • make its own decisions (represented by the Executive Committee while considering applications, and the Advisory Board on appeal) on the acceptance or rejection of the new members of Guild without explanation, but without foregoing the applicant’s right to appeal to the Guild Advisory Board.


3.2. The Guild must:

  • at all times comply with the laws of England, international law relating to its activities, as well as the rules stipulated by the present Constitution and other constituent documents;
  • submit an annual financial report to the body registering public associations;
  • submit and annual financial report and activity report to the General Meeting of Guild members;
  • perform other duties stipulated by the current legislation.


  1. Guild members, their Rights and Duties

4.1 The organisation provides fixed membership, with members subscribing for a defined period of time.

4.2 Membership of the Eurasian Creative Guild is open to any person who considers themself a creative person (including, but not limited to, writers, poets, illustrators, translators, web designers, musicians, journalists, artists, directors), and must be at least 18 years of age (14 years with written parental consent).

4.3 To become a member of the Guild, the applicant must

  • Sign up online or fill in the printed form
  • Add information about themself and their work
  • Send their photo
  • Pay the annual membership fee

4.4 Guild members have equal rights and equal duties. The list of members is published annually on the Guild website.

4.5 Guild Members have the following rights and benefits:

  • free tickets to the annual OEBF festival as organised by the Guild
  • free tickets to the festival “Orzu Arts Festival” in London
  • free tickets to certain events held by the Guild
  • free subscription to “OCA magazine”
  • advertising space on the Guild website and social media pages and groups no more than once per month, subject to confirmation by the Guild, not to be unreasonably withheld.
  • 25% discount on all books published by “Hertfordshire Press” and “Cambridge International Press”
  • 25% discount on the miscellany publication, “Creative collaboration”
  • 25% discount on all paid services of Guild
  • use of the logo of the Guild in their creative activities in compliance with the activities described in this Constitution
  • to be represented by the Advisory Board in international literary contests

4.6 Guild Members must:

  • fulfill the requirements of the Constitution at all times in their work and activities
  • endeavour to strengthen the Guild’s authority, take an active part in international cooperation and the Guild’s humanitarian activities, actively contribute to the implementation of the Guild’s aims and tasks
  • pay the established membership fees as and when they fall due
  • respect the other members of the Guild, without degrading their human dignity
  • not commit acts that cause material damage (howsoever it may be manifested) to the property of the Guild and its members

4.7 The annual Guild membership fee, which shall be revised by the Executive Committee from time to time, is:

  • £ 50
  • £ 30 for students
  • £ 300 for organisations

4.8 The first installment must be paid no later than 30 days from the date of the member’s acceptance to the Guild. Everyone who joins, and has paid their first membership fee, shall receive a certificate, confirming their status as a Guild member. The following annual fee must be paid no later than 1st November each year for the next fiscal year.

4.9 Guild members have the right to pay the membership fee in advance for the next few years, subject to the agreement of the management of the Guild.

4.10 Guild members are free to withdraw from the Guild on the basis of a personal application for withdrawal submitted to the Executive Committee of the Guild. the release date shall occur one month after the submission of the relevant notification. The Executive Committee’s decision is not required. Paid membership fees are not refundable.

4.11 The grounds for termination of membership are:

  • systematic non-fulfillment or improper fulfillment of the requirements of the Constitution;
  • availability of reliable evidence on the activities of Guild member, which is incompatible with Guild aims and activities;
  • the commission of acts discrediting Guild authority; contrary to the humane principles of modern society,honour and dignity;
  • non-payment the applicable membership fee within the specified period;
  • systematic violation of the agreements related to the personal involvement of the Guild member in Guild events

The Executive Committee decision on Guild member exclusion may be appealed to the address of the Guild Advisory. The decision of the Guild Advisory of the exclusion of Guild members is adopted by secret ballot by a simple majority vote of those present at the meeting of the Advisory Board and is final and binding.


4.12 In exceptional circumstances, the Executive Committee may recommend to the Guild Advisory Board that it adopt an honorary Guild member from any number of outstanding representatives of culture and society, without the right to vote and to participate in the Guild administrative structures, in order to raise the prestige of the Guild.

4.12.1 Honorary members may be elected as for a period of one or more years, including for life without paying membership fees and subject to voluntary participation in Guild activities. Honorary members are marked in all Guild publications with a separate indication of their membership status.


  1. The Funds and Property of the Guild

5.1 Guild funds are generated from:

  • Membership fees
  • Sponsorship and corporate contributions
  • Awards
  • Advertising
  • Sales of miscellany and tickets to events held by the Guild
  • Sale of other products and services of the Guild

5.2 All funds received are spent on the implementation of the Guild’s constitutional purposes and are not permitted to be allocated among Guild members.

5.3 The Guild shall draw up financial and other statements in accordance with legislation.


  1. Management

6.1 The highest governing body is the “Guild General Meeting”. The Guild General Meeting is convened by the Executive Committee or the Advisory Board during the annual international festival “Open Eurasia and Central Asia Book Forum & Literature Festival” in November of each year, or if such event shall not occur, then at another appropriate event organised by the Guild.

The Extraordinary General Meeting may be convened by Guild Executive Committee with the consent of the Advisory Board or by general resolution of the Guild Advisory Board for the resolution of urgent issues related to the Guild’s activities.

Guild members shall be notified in written form of the Guild General Meeting not later than 30 days prior to its holding. The notice, sent to all Guild members, shall indicate the time, place and agenda of the Guild General Meeting, defined by the decision of the Guild’s Executive Committee and the Advisory Board. The Guild General Meeting may supplement the provisional agenda of any matter relating to the Guild activities. The decision to change the agenda of the General Meeting is adopted by a simple majority of the Guild members of open voting present at the General Meeting.

6.2 The Guild General Meeting of Guild members is a quorum regardless of the number of present members of Guild. Decisions on all matters shall be taken by a simple majority vote of those present at the Guild General Meeting, except for matters of the Constitution approval, amendments and additions to the Constitutions, the issues of reorganization and liquidation of the Guild. For these issues decisions are made by 3/4 of votes of those present at the Guild General Meeting of Guild members. Decisions are made by open vote.

If any Guild member is unable to participate in the General Meeting he may give written notice to the Executive Committee about their vote “for” or “against” on any item previously reported on the agenda.

6.3 The Guild’s Executive Committee: The composition of the Executive Committee consists of the Guild Chairman, First Deputy from the permanent Guild members, as well as the Executive Director. The Guild Chairman is elected for a term of 1 year and may not hold office for more than 3 consecutive years.

6.4 The Executive Director may receive a cash award, formed from the general Guild purse. The amount and procedure of remuneration payment is determined by the Advisory Board.

6.5 The Executive Director may be a member of the Guild, but cannot be a member of the Advisory Board.

6.6 The Advisory Board of the Guild consists of 15 people, 6 of which are permanent members of the Guild, representing the main founders of the Cambridge International Press, Hertfordshire Press and Silk Road Media Group and may not be elected by the Guild Chairman. One of the six permanent Guild members should be the First Deputy Chairman of the Guild. The six permanent members of the Guild have the right of veto on decisions of the Advisory Board or the Guild Chairman.

6.7 The remaining 9 people of the Advisory Board are elected from among the Guild’s members through nomination by the approval at the Guild General Meeting by personal voting or voting by e-mail. They may not serve for a period exceeding two years. If the question has been put to the vote, but a Guild member has not made their decision within 7 calendar days, the decision shall taken without their participation. It is not permitted to elect more than 2 representatives holding citizenship from the same country.

6.8 Any Guild member, who is actively involved in the Guild’s activities (at least 2 events per year), and elected by popular vote, can become a member of the Advisory Board

6.9 Termination of membership of the Advisory Board shall be, among other reasons, for a violation of the Constitution, non-payment the annual membership fee. The decision shall be made through a general meeting of the Advisory Board with the possibility of appeal to the Guild General Meeting.


  1. Guild Structure

7.1 The official Guild location is in London (United Kingdom).

7.2 The guild has the right to open branches in different countries.

7.3 Guild Branches and Representatives act on the basis of this Constitution and the regulations approved by the Guild Executive Committee.

7.4 Guild Branches and Representatives have the right to enjoy the support of the Guild Executive Committee, the Advisory Board, Guild symbols, and duplicate Guild projects by approbation of Guild Executive Committee.


  1. Guild Liquidation and Reorganisation

8.1. Guild liquidation shall be realised by the decision of the Guild General Meeting, providing that more than three quarters (seventy-five per cent) of Guild members present at the Guild General Meeting has voted for this decision.

8.2. In the case of where a decision to liquidate is agreed at the Guild General Meeting, in agreement with the authority conducting the registration, the Executive Committee shall appoint a liquidation commission who shall take over the rights and responsibilities of the Guild management.

8.3. The property remaining as a result of the Guild’s liquidation shall be directed to the purposes stipulated by the Constitution after the satisfaction of any creditors’ claims by a decision of the Guild General Meeting. The decision to use the remaining property shall be published by the liquidation commission in print and sent to the members.

8.4. The activities of the Guild may be terminated by a court decision in the manner provided by applicable law.

8.5. The decision on the Guild’s liquidation shall be sent to the body responsible for registration, for its exclusion from the applicable state register for legal entities.

8.6. The Guild shall be considered liquidated from the moment of its exclusion from the applicable state register for legal entities.

8.7. The Guild’s reorganisation (merger, accession, division, separation, transformation) is made by a decision of the Guild General Meeting, providing that more than three quarters (seventy-five per cent) of Guild members present at the Guild General Meeting has voted for this decision

8.8. The Guild’s property is transferred upon its reorganisation to new legal entities in the manner prescribed by applicable law.

8.9. The Guild is considered reorganised from the moment of state registration of the newly formed organization, except in cases of a merger.