The Heartbeat of Eurasia: fashion and jewellery

  1. General provisions

1.1 “The Heartbeat of Eurasia” is an international creative contest organized and curated by the Eurasian Creative Guild (London).

1.2 The purpose of the Contest is to find, support and represent talented designers from Eurasian countries at the international level.

1.3 Designer collections (including at the stage of sketching) in the categories “Clothing,” “Accessories” and “Jewellery” may enter the contest.

1.4 The schedule* of the contest:

  • 28th June – an out-of-competition demonstration of collections as part of the Fashion Show in London, dedicated to the ECG Film Festival. This show is for those who have already become an official contestant (received a certificate of a member of ECG (London) and sent work). To participate in the out-of-competition show, contact ECG (London) Executive Director Tatyana Shevchenko by email All participants in the show will be provided with the Certificate of acknowledgement.
  • 15th August – deadline for applicants.
  • 1st September – announcement of finalists. The Organizing committee will hold a Zoom meeting where we will announce the shortlists. Participating is essential.
  • 2nd-20th September – interview with finalists. All candidates will be interviewed by members of the jury and representatives of the executive committee of ECG (London).
  • 5th October – Gala Fashion Show “Beautiful Peri”** in London. Award ceremony for winners in a frame of the Eurasian Creative Week.

* any date may be altered by the organizing committee of the contest.

** FASHION-festival “Beautiful Peri” has been held since 1996.

  1. Categories and requirements for submission.

 2.1 The competition is held in three main categories:

– Clothing, including outerwear (except underwear);

– Accessories, including traditional national styles (except shoes);

– Jewellery (including traditional national styles made from precious materials).

2.2 The following are accepted to participate in the Contest:

2.2.1 In the category “Clothing”:

– Sketches of collections (not less than 7 models in the collection, not more than 1 collection per participant);

– Sketches of individual models not united by one theme (not more than 3 works per participant);

– Photos of existing collections (at least 7 models in the collection, not more than 1 collection per participant). An addition in the form of a video recording of a design is permissible

– Photos of existing individual models, not united by one theme (no more than 3 works from the participant). You can add a video recording.

2.2.2 In the “Accessories” category:

– Sketches of collections of accessories with a single theme. Various types of accessories can be included in the collection (at least 5 products in the collection, no more than 1 collection per participant);

– Sketches of individual accessories not united by one topic (not more than 3 works from participant);

– Photos of existing collections of accessories, with a single theme. Various types of accessories can be included in the collection (at least 5 products in the collection, no more than 1 collection per participant);

– Photos of individual existing accessories, not united by a single theme (no more than 3 works per participant).

2.2.3 In the category “Jewellery”:

– Sketches of jewellery collections, with a single theme. Various types of items can be included in the collection (at least 5 items/3 sets in the collection, no more than 1 collection per participant);

– Sketches of individual products not united by a single theme (not more than 3 works from the participant);

– Photos of existing collections of jewellery with a single theme. Various types of items can be included in the collection (at least 5 items/3 sets in the collection, no more than 1 collection per participant);

– Photos of individual existing accessories, not united by a single theme (no more than 3 works per participant).

To participate in “The Best Designer of a Year” nomination, you can also send a portfolio reflecting the experience and achievements of the participant, including selected works (but not more than 5 pages) in PDF format in addition to the main application.

2.3 Nominations for the Contest.

2.3.1 The Best Concept Design

– Nomination is valid only for declared SKETCHES collections in all categories.

– Nomination is awarded to only one collection regardless of category.

– Nomination award criteria:

  • compliance of the application with the terms of the Contest;
  • stylistic integrity, endurance and visual expression of the idea of ​ ​the collection;
  • reflection in the artistic design of history, national authenticity, key events of the countries of Eurasia;
  • aesthetic harmony of the collection.

2.3.2 The Best Collection

– Nomination is valid only for declared FINISHED collections in the categories “Clothing” and “Accessories.”

– Nomination is awarded to only one collection regardless of category.

– Nomination award criteria:

  • compliance of the application with the terms of the Contest;
  • stylistic integrity, endurance and visual expression of the idea of ​ the collection;
  • reflection in the artistic design of history, national authenticity, key events of the countries of Eurasia;
  • aesthetic harmony of the collection;
  • technical execution of the collection.

2.3.3 The Best Fashion Illustration

– Nomination is valid only for declared SKETCHES of individual models/products in all categories.

– Nomination is awarded to only one sketch regardless of category.

– Nomination award criteria:

  • compliance of the application with the terms of the Contest;
  • visual expression of the product idea;
  • reflection in the artistic design of history, national authenticity, key events of the countries of Eurasia;
  • aesthetics of the product;
  • sketch quality.

 2.3.4 The Masterpiece of Fashion

– Nomination is valid for declared FINISHED products in all categories.

– Nomination is awarded to only one product regardless of category.

– Nomination award criteria:

  • compliance of the application with the terms of the Contest;
  • visual expression of the product idea;
  • reflection in the artistic design of history, national authenticity, key events of the countries of Eurasia;
  • aesthetics of the product;
  • technical version of the article.

 2.3.5 The Best Artistic Vision of Eurasian Culture

– The nomination is valid for all declared collections/models/products, as well as sketches in all categories.

– Nomination is awarded to only one participant regardless of category.

– Nomination award criteria:

  • compliance of the application with the terms of the Contest;
  • high quality of creative idea in a sketch or finished product or collection;
  • high degree of creative refraction in the artistic design of history, national authenticity, key events of the countries of Eurasia;
  • high aesthetic value of the product/collection (including at the sketch stage).

2.3.6 Special prize: The Best Designer of a Year

– Nomination is valid for participants in all categories.

– Nomination is awarded to only one participant regardless of category.

– Nomination award criteria:

  • provided portfolio;
  • rating of work within the Contest category (if the participant submitted applications in several categories, the application having the highest rating is taken into account);
  • individual rating of participants, formed on the basis of expert assessments.

 3. Prizes

 3.1 The Best Concept Design:

– winner’s certificate;

– placement of sketches and information about the author in a special issue of OCA Magazine;

– the opportunity to hold an exhibition of his sketches in London as part of the final events of the competition.

3.2 The Best Collection:

– winner’s certificate;

– demonstration of the collection as part of the gala FASHION-show “Beautiful Peri” in London;

– placement of photos of the collection and information about the author in a special issue of OCA Magazine.

3.3  The Best Fashion Illustration:

– winner’s certificate;

– posting of the winning illustration and information about the author in a special issue of OCA Magazine;

– the opportunity to hold a creative presentation up to 3 minutes as part of the program of Zoom meetings of the final events in London.

3.4 The Best Artistic Vision of Eurasian Culture:

– winner’s certificate;

– posting of the winning illustration/photo and information about the author in a special issue of OCA Magazine;

– the opportunity to hold a creative presentation up to 3 minutes as part of the program of Zoom meetings of the final events in London.

3.5  The Masterpiece of Fashion

– winner’s certificate;

– posting of the winning illustration and information about the author in a special issue of OCA Magazine;

– the opportunity to hold a creative presentation up to 3 minutes as part of the program of Zoom meetings of the final events in London.

– demonstration of the product in the framework of the gala-FASHION-show “Beautiful Peri” in London in June 2021.

3.6 The Best Designer of a Year

– winner’s certificate;

– placement of information about the author in a special issue of OCA Magazine;

– the opportunity to hold a creative presentation of up to 5 minutes as part of the program of Zoom meetings of the final events in London.

  1. Terms of Participation

4.1 Participants may be persons over 18 years of age, including university students who are active members of the Eurasian Creative Guild (London) during competitive and final events.

4.2 All copyright of the collection shall belong to the bidder.

4.3 If the rights belong to the organization, then this organization must be an active corporate member of the Guild during the period of competitive and final events.

4.4 One participant may submit not more than three applications (not more than one application in each category, or three applications for individual products within one category).

4.5 The competition is free of charge for active members of the Guild; for other participants the cost of participation is equal to the membership fee.

4.6 In case of winning the nominations the participants shall pay these additional organizational expenses:

– In the nomination The Best Concept Design – payment for placing an exhibition of posters with sketches on the site of the final events. Either 5 molbert racks or 1 table are provided. At each additional exhibition place (in addition to the authorized 5 works), payment of £15 is required. The cost will be £262;

– In the nomination The Best Collection – £75 per model * (dummy/actor-demonstrator) as part of the gala FASHION show “Beautiful Peri” (payment for the work of models).

* models will be selected from among volunteers!

4.7 Participants who have won in other categories and/or wish to hold a presentation of their work in person as part of the Gala-FASHION-show “Beautiful Peri” in London June, 2021 independently pay additional costs:

– Rental of the exhibition area on the site of the final events – £262;

– Delivery and storage of products – the Guild does not provide the place of storage, the author is responsible for the products.

4.8 It is also possible to participate in the final events in absentia. The cost of absentee participation is £105. Part of the absentee participation includes:

– demonstration of the video presentation of the winner (up to 5 minutes) in the framework of the IX OEBF/Open Eurasian Dialogue 2021;

– speech at the online conference on June, 2021 as part of the IX OEBF/Open Eurasian Dialogue 2021;

– publication of information in OCA Magazine,

– certificate and postal expenses for its sending (tariff “Standard”).

  1. Final provisions. Disclaimer.

5.1 The Eurasian Creative Guild (London) reserves the right to reject applications that do not meet the terms of the competition without explanation.

5.2 In case of winning the competition and full-time participation in the final events, participants are independently responsible for the delivery and storage of products.

5.3 Participants are independently responsible for the reliability of the information provided (including authorship) when filling out competitive bids.

5.4 Only images (scans, photos) that meet the following requirements are accepted for participation in the competition:

  • format – JPEG, PNG, PDF. Images in RAW and other formats are NOT accepted for participation;
  • resolution – at least 300 dpi;
  • image weight is not more than 3 MB.

5.5 In case you provide video recording showing your work, only links to videos posted on YouTube are accepted for participation. Source video files and file and cloud storage (disk) links are NOT accepted.

5.6 In case you participate in the nomination “The Best Designer of a Year,” send your portfolio in PDF format. Documents in other formats are NOT accepted for participation.